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Computing and Online Safety

Online Safety


Online Safety is an integral part of our Computing Curriculum. We believe that every child needs to be given the knowledge and strategies required to use technology effectively and responsibly. At St Mary's, we teach online safety at the beginning of each term to ensure the children are equipped with the tools to remain safe when they are online.

Our online safety teaching across the school covers:

  • Privacy and Security
  • Health and Well-being
  • Online Bullying
  • Online Relationships
  • Online Reputation
  • Self Image and Identity
  • Managing Online Information

Parent Guidance for Online Safety

Parents should be clearly aware of the school’s policy of access to social networking sites. Where a disclosure of bullying is made, schools now have the duty to investigate and protect, even where the bullying originates outside the school. Parents must also understand that they are responsible for access to technology outside of school. If issues arise, parents must review their home security and access to technology.

Top tips:


Useful Online Safety Websites and Links: